A simple step-by-step method to know if your partner is cheating (in less than 7 days). And a highly effective strategy to identify their lover without hiring a private investigator

By John Cerri, Last updated: Feb 112025

If you suspect your partner is cheating on you, this will be the most important article you will ever read.

Give me 5 minutes and I will show you a simple (yet highly effective) method to…

  • Find out if your partner is having an affair in less than 7 days…
  • Identify their lover in less than 15 days…
  • Know if they cheated on you in the past…
  • And obtain legal proof of their infidelity.

In addition, you will be able to achieve these results…

  • Without squandering your money on private investigators…
  • Without having specific skills or expertise…
  • And without doing things that would make you feel ridiculous (such as tailing your partner or questioning their friends).

Coping with infidelity can be an emotionally draining experience.

You may feel overwhelmed with strong emotions such as anxiety, anger, and frustration…

I know what I'm talking about because I experienced this myself.

And I also know that…

  • If you want to regain your peace of mind, it's essential that you know the ENTIRE truth.
  • If you want to save your marriage, you must act BEFORE your partner's affair turns into an established relationship.
  • The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) requires you to take immediate action.

The system I'm about to share with you is…

SCIENTIFIC: It's the result of many years of research. And it's based on insider information provided by private investigators, behavioral psychologists, NLP practitioners, body language experts, and mobile app developers.

100% RELIABLE: The techniques have been extensively field-tested over the past few years with impressive results.

EASY TO USE: It doesn't require specific skills or expertise.

PRACTICAL: It's a sequence of well-defined steps, and you will know exactly what to do next at all times.

FLEXIBLE: It's suitable for any kind of relationship and can be easily adapted to your personal case (regardless of whether you have a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend).

FAST: If your partner is really having an affair, you will unmask them in a few days.

AND ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE: Disclosing some of these techniques is considered highly controversial. Therefore, you cannot find this information anywhere else.

Here’s a short preview of what you’ll learn:

  • How to identify specific behaviors that can unequivocally reveal your partner's infidelity.
  • How to detect the signs of infidelity that are inevitably in your house and in your partner's car if they are cheating on you.
  • A simple, sure-fire technique to obtain your partner's email and social media accounts' login details (usernames, passwords, etc.) without leaving “footprints”.
  • How to recognize 10 scientifically proven indicators that will allow you to instantly know if your partner is lying.
  • The techniques private investigators use to quickly identify the owner of a mobile phone number (they work in any country).
  • How to intercept and save your partner's private messages (WhatsApp, Google Messages, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc.) BEFORE they delete them.
  • A simple trick to record your partner's private phone calls without being discovered.
  • A quick and easy way to find out if your partner has been in contact with prostitutes.
  • And so much more.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want to save your relationship (and avoid sexually transmitted diseases), you must take immediate action.

But first, keep in mind that there are…

4 Serious mistakes you need to avoid

Even though you may feel extremely anxious and impatient to know the truth…

  • Don't try to tail your partner. They would almost certainly notice you, and the only result you would achieve is to appear ridiculous.
  • Don't ask them too many questions about their schedule. They would realize you are suspicious and take more precautions to avoid being caught.
  • Don't call them too often. Again, they would become more cautious.
  • Don't question their friends. There is a lot of complicity among friends, and they would probably create alibis to protect your partner.

Have you made any of these mistakes?

If the answer is yes, you must immediately stop doing things that would make your partner more cautious.

If they already know about your suspicions, you must convince them to let their guard down.

So pretend you forgot about the issue and gradually return to your usual behavior.

Resist the temptation to ask them…

“Where have you been?”, “What have you been doing?”, “Who were you with?”, and similar questions.

Questions are not necessary. In fact…

Very soon you will know where they have been, and who they were with… without questioning anyone

The system I have developed with the insider information provided by top experts in different fields (private investigators, behavioral psychologists, NLP practitioners, body language experts, and mobile app developers)…

…is included in the most comprehensive, detailed, and practical guide about infidelity ever published:

“How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover”

How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover
How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover

Digital Book (200 Pages, High-Resolution PDF, for any computer or mobile device + EPUB Version). Instant download and maximum privacy.

“How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover” is the ideal solution for every woman or man who suspects their partner's infidelity and wants to know the entire truth without technical training and without resorting to the extremely expensive services provided by private investigators.

“How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover” is a practical course, written in a simple language, that will teach you how to easily find out if your partner is cheating on you, and how to identify their lover within a few days.

Here are just some of the things you will learn:

  • A sure-fire technique to quickly obtain your partner's email and social media accounts' login details (usernames, passwords, etc.), without leaving footprints. Pages 128 – 131.
  • A surprising way to use your sense of smell to unmask your partner: 10 different scents that can prove their infidelity. Pages 90 – 91.
  • An almost fool-proof method to quickly identify the owner of a mobile phone number, while protecting your privacy (it works in any country). Pages 145 – 150.
  • Insider information about bank and credit card statements: 11 types of transactions that spell “cheating” in 90% of cases. Pages 59 – 65.
  • 8 Unmistakable physical signs revealing sexual intercourse that took place in the last 72 hours. And the easiest way to find them on your partner's body. Pages 85 – 89.
  • The power of Freudian slips, and how you can use them to effortlessly catch a cheating partner. Pages 96 – 97.
  • The 10 nonverbal signs that will allow you to instantly know if your partner is lying to you (rest assured that looking into their eyes is not enough). Pages 104 – 112.
  • Everything you need to know about the specific dietary changes that usually occur if they are having an affair. Pages 83 – 84.
  • How to get a highly effective monitoring tool… for FREE! It's 100% invisible and will capture EVERYTHING your partner types on their keyboard (including private messages and passwords). Pages 132 – 135.
  • How private investigators use ordinary receipts to quickly unmask unfaithful partners. A section that will definitely surprise you. Pages 66 – 69.
  • The 8 sneaky strategies that cheating partners use to obtain the time they need to date their lovers. Pages 113 – 116.
  • How to use your partner's login details and other data you have obtained to discover their lover's identity. Pages 151 – 157.
  • A simple trick to secretly record private conversations between your partner and their lover, even if you are hundreds of miles away. Pages 160 – 161.
  • A quick and easy way to know if your husband has visited websites that allow users to get in touch with prostitutes… EVEN if he has deleted his browsing history. Pages 48 – 50.
  • All the weird things cheating partners do when using their mobile phones. Private investigators have classified 20 critical signs of infidelity in this category. Pages 38 – 41.
  • The truth about suspicious quarrels. Discover why some men and women seem to provoke arguments intentionally. Pages 100 – 101.
  • How to intercept and save your partner's private messages (WhatsApp, Google Messages, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc.) BEFORE they delete them from their mobile phone. Pages 136 – 144.
  • Where to get GSM audio bugs, voice-activated audio recorders, GPS trackers, hidden Wi-Fi cameras (with motion detection), and other spying tools at a small FRACTION of their usual price. Pages 158 – 162.
  • The #1 secret to finding out whether your partner is in contact with a real person online or is just visiting adult websites. Pages 44 – 48.
  • A sure-fire technique to bypass the screen lock of your partner's mobile phone. And an almost fool-proof strategy to obtain the PINs required to access their devices. Pages 137 – 140.
  • The real psychological reasons men and women cheat on their partners. All you need to know to prevent further infidelity. Pages 176 – 189.
  • The 26 key signs of infidelity you can find in your partner's car. If they are really cheating, you will INEVITABLY find some of these unmistakable indicators. Pages 92 – 95.
  • The step-by-step Action Plan will help you to make the most of everything you will learn in this course. Pages 29 – 34.
  • The 10 infidelity risk factors and how to correctly calculate the risk of infidelity in your personal case. Pages 26 – 28.
  • Discover exactly when paying more attention to one's appearance can be considered a sign of infidelity. Pages 74 – 76.
  • The tell-tale changes in your partner's sexuality that reveal an affair. Pages 77 – 78.
  • How behavioral psychologists can instantly unmask a cheater by simply detecting the sense of guilt caused by their infidelity. Pages 98 – 99.
  • The easiest way to quickly determine if your partner is cheating on you in their workplace. Pages 79 – 82.
  • The ingenious methods cheating partners use to hide the footprints of their online activities and how to counter them. Pages 42 – 54.
  • Discover precisely when you should consider silence a significant indicator of infidelity. Pages 102 – 103.
  • The psychological strategy that virtually guarantees you will “defeat” your partner's lover. Pages 163 – 165.
  • Everything you need to know to successfully rebuild your relationship after infidelity (if you decide to forgive your partner). Pages 190 – 197.
  • And so much more…

How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover is a digital course (200 letter-size pages, High-Resolution PDF) that covers every possible way infidelity may occur, and provides easy-to-follow instructions to uncover the truth as quickly as possible.

Digital delivery allows instant access to the course, which is essential since you must take immediate action if you suspect your partner is having an affair.

In addition, it protects your privacy by allowing you to discreetly use this book on your personal devices (computer, tablet, iPad, iPhone, smartphone, Kindle, e-book reader, etc.).

And if you order today...

You will also get a copy of Save Your Marriage In 60 Days (worth $19) for FREE. This digital book includes a practical and effective roadmap, designed to help you mend, build and cultivate a strong bond with your spouse, regardless of the present state of your relationship.

Save Your Marriage In 60 Days

Infidelity is a hard pill to swallow, but if you decide to forgive your partner and seek a brighter future, Save Your Marriage In 60 Days will illuminate the path towards marital reconciliation and fulfillment. This revolutionary guide is a compilation of time-tested, scientifically backed techniques that will allow you to effectively rebuild your relationship, even if right now it feels like you are the only one willing to make an effort.

“How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover” is now available at a very special price

But before we get into the details, let me ask you a couple of questions:

  • If your partner is having an affair, how much longer will you allow them to humiliate you? How important to you is your dignity?
  • What if they are innocent? Will you allow the distrust caused by your doubts to ruin your relationship?
  • How important to you is your marriage? How important is your family? What if an occasional affair turned into an established relationship?
  • How important is your health? Are you aware of the risks related to your partner's (possible) sexual encounters?
  • How much do you expect to spend if you resort to private investigators? Their fees may vary depending on your location, but you can be sure that they are never cheap.

This system has been extensively field-tested and proven 100% effective and reliable.

As complicated as your situation may seem right now, How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover will enable you to uncover the truth.

For a limited time… How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover is available at the heavily discounted price of only…

$27 instead of $67

In other words, less than the cost of a restaurant dinner. We are doing that to popularize this system…

But the advertising and distribution costs will force us to return to the regular price of $67 very soon.

Take advantage of this offer now, and click the button below to order your copy of the course at the special price of only $27.

After purchase, you will have immediate access to the entire system.

Buy “How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover”

Click the button below to get your copy of How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover (plus Save Your Marriage In 60 Days) at the special price of only $27 (one-time payment). Your order is securely processed by Digistore24 using advanced encryption technologies. After completing the transaction, you will be instantly directed to your download area.

How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover

Regular price $67 – Today $27


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How can I get support?

Feel free to use the contact links at the bottom of this page.

Infidelity is a thorny problem.

And the situation you are in will become even more complicated if you don't take action as soon as possible.

You have to do it the right way, though.

You cannot improvise, and you cannot ask for advice from people who are not really experts in this field.

If you do that, you will probably make mistakes that will reduce your chances of discovering the truth.

To find out if your partner is being unfaithful, you have to follow a series of well-defined steps.

The good news is that you don't need any special skills.

How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover will provide you with an easy-to-follow (yet highly effective) action plan.

Since it’s a digital download, you can start using the system in less than two minutes…

And if your partner is actually cheating on you, you will undoubtedly begin to detect the first signs of infidelity within a few hours.

As I mentioned in the FAQs, the product's name will not be visible on your credit card statement, and your privacy is 100% guaranteed.

Click here to order your copy of How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover

Now is the time to know the truth.

John Cerri

P.S. Since the risk of contracting an STD is real, I strongly recommend that you place the highest priority on your health. In other words, you should take extra precautions during intimacy until you know the entire truth.

P.P.S. How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover is based on insider information from experts in different fields. Since this information has never been publicly disclosed, you cannot find it anywhere else.

P.P.P.S. The advertising and distribution costs will force us to quickly return to the standard retail price. So don't miss out. Order your copy of How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover at the special price of only $27, a one-time payment.

Buy “How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover”

Click the button below to get your copy of How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover (plus Save Your Marriage In 60 Days) at the special price of only $27 (one-time payment). Your order is securely processed by Digistore24 using advanced encryption technologies. After completing the transaction, you will be instantly directed to your download area.

How To Catch A Cheating Partner And Identify Their Lover

Regular price $67 – Today $27

Privacy laws may vary considerably from country to country (and from state to state). If you decide to use specific techniques to obtain your partner’s login details, private messages, etc., we recommend that you consult your lawyer to understand how your local laws regulate this subject. These techniques are presented for informational purposes only. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage allegedly related to the information contained in this course. You are responsible for your actions. Please use common sense and caution.

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